The 2011 Emission Rule Video Petition, Uncut.

by Craig on 07/09/2012 Remember to scroll to bottom of page to sign, Thanks. On the 31st of December 2011 the next phase of the emission rule will be implemented by the NZ Government. The affects will be widespread, and felt for many years. If not stopped, it will increase the cost of living by an average of 00 for every person who drives a car or is going to drive a car in New Zealand. Yes, we will be saying “Goodbye” to cheap, low priced, quality cars in NZ. The cost of living in NZ is already expensive, and now the stage is set for it to get a lot worse, and for no good reason, because the legislation introduced by the Labour Government doesn’t work! Make no mistake, “This is the first “un-natural national disaster” to befall NZ following the Christchurch earthquake”. The biggest thing the Government could do to fix the quality of our air, is fix the quality of our fuel. But this will cost the Government a lot of money, actually it will cost “US” money and our Government can’t afford it especially now they’re rebuilding Christchurch! Yet there are still more ways….. So why aren’t we investigating them? It seems utter lunacy to be living in a Country renowned for producing some of the World’s most remarkable minds, brimming with Kiwi “number 8 wire” mentality and “can do anything” attitude, and not be able to come up with a better emissions rule than this? It is the result of a Government creating an ineffective plan in order to gain public support over a very

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