“Snow Blows!” exclaims a Winston-Salem, NC used car dealer

by Craig on 27/07/2010

Snow Blows, Myers says jokingly. All this bad weather has made it impossible for us to get shipments of new inventory. In the past few months weve been selling cars like theyre going out of style. says Myers. Im not about to let the bad weather slow us down so Im forced to do something drastic in order to keep inventory levels high and maintain momentum. Wacky winter weather across the nation has stalled car sales for many car dealers just when things started looking up for the downtrodden industry. Heavy snowfall across the country has grounded vehicle shipments and left dealers in a lurch. The unusual weather has also kept dealers from being able to travel to auto auctions to replenish their vehicle stock. Winston-Salem car dealers have not been spared but one local dealer isnt taking the problem lying down. Tracy Myers, owner of Frank Myers Auto Maxx, says hes up for the challenge and isnt going to let a silly thing like snow steal his momentum. Myers is bound and determined to sell cars (and get cars) even if that means losing some money to keep the momentum going and to make sure his staff stays busy. My grand plan to get fresh inventory despite the logjam at the auction will benefit you and the community in a big way, Myers explains. Anyone that buys ANY Certified vehicle from us, Im going to pay off their trade…no matter how much they owe. This is the only way I can think of to get the cycle flowing. It doesnt matter what make or model youre driving or how old

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