How to Buy at Government Car Auctions? State & Local Government dispose of over 100000 vehicles every single year You can take advantage of this set of circumstances, whether you are a member of the public licensed motor dealer, motor vehicle repairer, or an individual like you. You can perform a detailed search for the exact vehicle you are looking for Or Choose from a catalogue for the upcoming Government Vehicle Auction at your local Auction Complex. Simply fill up a Buyers Registration Form You need to produce your Driver’s License with your current address. All vehicles will be lined up in our auction complex, selling in Lot Number order. At the beginning of the auction, the auctioneer will announce the terms and conditions under which the sale will take place. To bid, raise your bidder’s card in the air in full view of the auctioneer or his “spotters” until you have been acknowledged by the auctioneer From this point, continue bidding as you see fit as the auctioneer will make it plainly clear where the current bid lies. If you are a successful bidder, you will be required to leave a 00 deposit (cash or bank cheque) on the fall of the hammer, and pay the balance by cash, bank cheque, BPAY, EFT or through your finance company within 24 hours. Acceptable payment methods are cash, bank cheque, BPAY, EFT or finance. You are now the owner of a Government vehicle. If you found this “inside information” helpful, make sure to get my free e-report, Top 22 things you …
How to Buying on Government Car Auctions?
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